07 Dec Planning a Tallahassee High School Reunion
At Astro, we frequently get to be the wheels for folks Tallahassee high school reunion. It’s so much fun to see old friends reminiscing about the good ol’ days and celebrating their relationships. Whether you want to gather at the highschool, do a pub crawl, or have a dance, here are some great things to keep in mind as you plan your Tallahassee high school reunion.
When you flash back to memories of high school, what is it that you remember? Is it the sound of your coach yelling across the field on autumn mornings when you were working on conditioning? The smell of fresh small bread loaves being sold in the hall between classes? Tailgate parties and football games, or that time you got soaked during an assembly activity? Maybe it was your first crush, themed dances, or a few specific songs that take you right back to cruising Main Street with your buddies late at night.
Whatever your memories are, they likely make you nostalgic for a time that helped shape you into who you are today. And while it was a time of excitement, fun, and friends, you likely haven’t stayed in touch with most folks from those long-gone glory days, with the exception of a few people that have become lifelong friends. However, as time goes on and you go through life, it can be nice to gather with others that share a common root experience from your youth, and this is what high school reunions are all about.
If you’re the lucky person in charge of planning the next high school reunion, here are some things to consider as you’re putting all the arrangements together. From ideas for creative activities to a suggestion or two on transportation, we hope these tips will be helpful.
Take a walk down Memory Lane. If there were places that were the regular hangout spots for the crowd when you were in high school, maybe you could spend the evening visiting a view of those places. Maybe it’s stopping to get shakes at the ma-and-pop joint everyone frequented after football games. Or make an arrangement with the local drive-in to show a super popular film during your senior year (or, even better, see if they’ll play a DVD presentation you put together to commemorate those years).
See what’s new. The more years that have passed since leaving your hometown, the more likely the area is to have changed. Maybe the movie theater on Main Street is long gone and replaced with a new museum, or the school has changed locations, and there’s a brand new football field. Either way, it may be fun to have an activity that is about seeing how the place has changed since you were there, remembering what was and what now is.
And hey, while you’re out traveling around, come up with a fun mode of transportation. Think about reserving a motorcoach for the occasion; we frequently drive for a Tallahassee high school reunion! Everyone can stay together, talking and sharing memories as you drive around to see how the town is different. Motorcoaches are affordable at a great rate, and they are perfect for group occasions like this!
Consider having a talent program. When everyone was together back in high school, the future was still unwritten. You didn’t know who was going to start a business that would turn out to be crazy successful. No one knew who would end up going big with music, becoming recognized as a great writer, or becoming an influential doctor in a field of medical science. Years later, it can be fun to take a retrospective approach and showcase what people have done. For the musicians out there, let them have an opportunity to play for everyone. If strides in research have happened, allow those people to present a short segment on what they’re doing in their field. Showcase artwork and architectural designs or writing samples or any number of things that celebrate the intervening years and give everyone a glimpse into what has filled life since those high school days years ago.
Put together a slideshow. This one would likely take quite a bit of time (especially just trying to get material from everyone), but it would be really fun to put together a presentation of photographs of people — both then and now, juxtaposed side by side. You could show a photograph of the person from high school and then a current photograph of them or their family. It would be fun to put this to music that was popular then and celebrate looking back in time.
As you try to come up with creative ideas to make this occasion memorable and fun for everyone who comes, you’ll likely come up with more and more ideas once you begin. You’ll remember things you had previously forgotten, and it’s always a good idea to talk with others on the committee too because you’ll be much more likely to create an event that will appeal to the memories that are shared by many.
If you are planning your Tallahassee high school reunion, give us a call we’d love to be your wheels, or follow this link to learn more: https://astrotravel.com.