15 Jun Making an Environmentally-Friendly Transportation Choice
Was there a time when you walked out your door, and it was too smoggy to see the distant horizon? The air was blanketed with haze, and whenever you were outside, you tried not to think about all the pollutants in the air you were breathing? If you’re lucky enough to live in an area that doesn’t trap those pollutants due to winter inversion, you’re lucky! But for those who can relate to this as a common occurrence during the cold winter months, it’s a testament to our impact on the environment. When the air quality is poor, you notice when you leave your car idling or maybe think about it more when you choose to drive your car instead of walking. Here are some ways to make an environmentally-friendly transportation choice.
Winter inversion is just one way we become aware of our environmental interactions. In today’s fast-moving world, we’re constantly on the go and need to get from place to place. Because climate change and research attest to the fact that our choices affect the environment today and the world our children will live in twenty years from now, it becomes imperative to make more informed decisions, and this is definitely true when it comes to how we think about transportation.
There has never been a time when the field of transportation research and options has been as varied as it is now. More than ever, cities and states are implementing more public transportation options to relieve congested freeway lanes and reduce the toxins that are being released into the air from automobiles. As more is said about what is happening to our planet, many of us want to do our part to positively affect the environment, and one of the ways we can do this is to make informed choices about how we get around.
If you’re trying to make a transportation choice that is better for the environment, you might first consider what options are available to you. Does your metro area have a light rail system with monthly (or quarterly or yearly) passes available at a great rate? Can you take a subway or use the public bus system in your city? Are there bike paths you can use to ride to work that make it possible to navigate the busy parts of the city without having to stop all the time? Is there a local ride board you can consult to create carpools or trips out of town without taking multiple vehicles? All of these are smart things to consider.
Once you’ve investigated what options are available, do your research. Look at the schedules for each of these mediums to see if they would work as an option for your morning commute or getting around town to run errands. You’ll also want to compare pricing. What is the monthly rate for each mode of transportation (unless you’re riding your bike and it’s FREE!), and how do they compare to each other? Once you’ve got that breakdown, you’ll want to factor in convenience. Sure, the light rail may offer a cheaper monthly rate, but the bus picks you up a block from your house. If you weigh cost and convenience together, you’ll choose the best for you overall.
Regardless of what you decide, it’s a good idea to promote environmentally sound transportation. If you own a company and plan for everyone to go skiing for the holiday party, reserve a motorcoach to get everyone there. Not only can motorcoaches transport a group of people easily, but they can also bring all the gear without a hitch. If you’re the person that is over the family reunion this year, reserve a motorcoach to get everyone to the central location, and then consider purchasing subway tickets for everyone for the various activities for the week. If you’ve got a wedding, consider reserving a motorcoach for the party. Not only will it keep everyone together, but it will also free up the parking lot at your reception venue for your guests! In all of your transportation choices, choose to go green. From carpools and public transportation to biking and walking more and driving less, what we choose today will greatly impact tomorrow’s world. Learn more about Astros commitment to environmentally-friendly transportation here: https://astrotravel.com/destinations/were-efficient-copy/