25 Oct Tallahassee Tour Bus For Your Open House
If you’re coordinating the efforts of a large upcoming open house, there are many factors you’ve got to consider. Just dealing with that many people in a space is a big feat, let alone all the details you have to consider in the background so that things will appear to run smoothly on the surface (so much work happens behind the scenes to make it look easy!). This post is about how a Tallahassee tour bus for your open house.
This is shameless, but we do transportation, right? I mean…it’s kind of our thing. So, at the outset, when you’re trying to wrap your mind around the parking sitch, consider using motorcoaches! Using coaches to help shuttle your guests will help you to avoid crowded, congested parking lots and help the overall traffic flow a bit easier. You won’t have to set aside as much parking as you would need to otherwise, and shuttling makes things a whole lot easier.
And as for the other things you have to plan for?
Ushers. Whenever you have a big group of people coming through a structure, it’s inevitable that you’re going to have folks that don’t know where to go, need help finding a bathroom, or simply have some questions. Having trained people on hand that can help point people in the right direction or help with whatever need arises is something you’ll definitely want to have in place.
Coordinators. When you have a bunch of people that are taking various shifts during the open house, you’ll want a few people that are over all of the ushers and others that are there to help. Coordinators are your main resource when you need to disseminate information or get in touch with people. (Think of the pyramid effect—delegating, so one person doesn’t have to get in touch with everyone.)
Promotional material. Suppose a lot of people are coming to tour a facility. In that case, it’s nice to have some material for them about the structure itself: a postcard photograph, informational pamphlet, or something else along those lines. It’s nice to have something that people can look at as they are there and take with them when they go.
Ticketing. You’ve got to have some way to control traffic flow, and ticketing helps you do just that. Allotting only a certain number of tickets for varying time slots will help to control the number of people that come through at any one time.
With everything that you’ve got to worry about as you prepare for this event, we can certainly help with the transportation. We’d love to assist you in your efforts by providing shuttle services to help manage traffic flow and make the parking situation less hectic. Consider a Tallahassee tour bus for your open house. Follow this link to get a quote today: https://astrotravel.com/get-a-quote/