29 Sep Bridging the Generation Gap
Generation gaps are a real thing; grandparents aren’t always familiar with new technology, and grandchildren can’t always relate when grandpas start talking about archaic pieces of farm machinery they used back in the day. Sometimes what is normal to one generation is completely unfamiliar to another. That fact notwithstanding, parents and children want to connect and be a part of each other’s lives. Here at Astro, we are lucky to provide transportation for today’s families. Whether on vacation or taking an educational tour, we get to watch as families interact together. In today’s post, we wanted to offer six suggestions for bridging the generation gap; next time you’re on a multigenerational family vacation, we hope you can benefit from these tips!
Tip #1: Plan the trip together. If you want to have a vacation everyone will enjoy, plan it together. You’ll be sure to create good memories when you get input from everyone involved. Kids especially enjoy having a say because they normally have to follow along with whatever the adults have planned.
Tip #2: Find commonalities. Sure, there are differences between the generations, but you can probably still find things you have in common. If everyone loves ice cream, make ice cream together. If multiple family members play an instrument, come together and jam as a group! Fishing, movies, golf, hiking, crafting – capitalize on whatever common hobbies you have!
Tip #3: Share favorite pastimes. If you want to get to know each other better, delve into favorites! Share your favorite movies, make your favorite treats, trade music and books, or cook your favorite meals to eat together. Sharing things you love with someone who is unfamiliar with them can be a great bridging opportunity.
Tip #4: Create opportunities for face-to-face interaction. In today’s day and age, our kids are so used to being on their devices all the time. Whether they’re texting, on social media, playing games, or surfing the internet, this fact remains: less and less interaction happens in person. Face-to-face interaction is essential for building good relationships, and you can help make that happen by planning activities that foster that. Playing games together, telling stories, sharing hobbies, and working on things together are all great ways you can make your family stronger and link the generations.
Tip #5: Learn something new together. Trying new things requires some vulnerability on the part of the participants, and being in that space together is a great way to get to know each other better.
Tip #6: Get out and explore nature. Head out on Saturday morning and bag a local peak as a group, or ski for the day in fresh powder. Physical activity, combined with the beauty of nature, is a great way to spend time together, talk, and create meaningful memories.
Next time you travel with extended family, use these 6 tips to strengthen family bonds and come closer together by creating great memories. Bridging the generation gap isn’t always easy but, going on an adventure together is a great place to start. And if your family needs safe transportation you can rely on, you know where to find us! We are here to serve you. Follow this link to request a quote today: https://astrotravel.com/get-a-quote/.