01 Jun A Tallahassee Tour Bus Can Improve Work Culture
Work culture is so important in todays world of job openings and low unemployment rates. We’d love to address a few things that will help your workplace culture including using a Tallahassee tour bus. If you’re lucky, you’ve never worked at a job that had a poor business culture. But, if you’re like most of us, you’ve had that experience at least once. If you go back in your mind to what it looked like, it’s usually pretty ugly.
In contrast, how can you build a healthy business culture and create an environment where people want to be? What practices and philosophies can you implement that positively contribute to good morale and make it more likely that you’ll gain respect and loyalty from your employees and have less turnover?
For starters, be a company that values—and exemplifies—translucence. Be open, not shady. Be up front, clear, and respectful in all of your business practices. And never make it a question as to where an employee stands with you. If an employee’s job is on the line, don’t let it be a secret. Be up front with them about why, and give them specific things to do to improve. Make it clear what the standard is. Don’t accept cutting, deceptive or shady behavior in any of your employees, either. If they see that you don’t tolerate that behavior and that you’re living openness in all you do, they’ll know they can take you at your word and trust you to be what you have presented yourself to be.
As a close second, make respect a must. Maya Angelou stated an important truth when she said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” So, how do you focus on creating a good feel in your workplace and cultivating an environment of respect? What does that look like? Kind of like this:
- No one gets preferential treatment.
- Everyone is needed.
- Actively endorse the belief that everyone has something valuable to contribute.
- Don’t tolerate any form of discrimination, poking fun, or any other behavior that slights someone else or leaves them feeling uncomfortable or excluded.
- Express genuine appreciation and encouragement.
- Refuse to accept snide, patronizing, or otherwise condescending behaviors.
- And, as always, this value, as all others, has to be exemplified from the top. If you’re the heart of your business, it has to start with you.
Avoid micromanaging. No one likes to work for someone who is constantly breathing down their neck and not allowing them the space to do their job. An employee can feel like they’re in a straight jacket if they don’t have any wiggle room to share their own ideas or express their creativity. Furthermore, if they’re doing a great job and are committed to the company, that will likely change if they feel as though they aren’t trusted, despite the fact that they are giving their best. (Obviously, there are times when someone is NOT doing their best, and a closer watch may be required in these circumstances. But for those that are working and making great contributions, allow them the compliment of knowing that you trust they will do what they’re expected to do, and they’ll do it well.)
Do things to boost morale and make things a little light-hearted now and then. Maybe it’s taking everyone to dinner once a month. Maybe it’s reserving a Tallahassee tour bus every week for a scheduled breakfast, where everyone gets to stop working at 9:00 each Wednesday morning and head out to eat together on the boss’ tab. (Plus, that’s fun cuz everyone can travel together and enjoy building friendships!) Maybe it’s regularly providing snacks and drinks or consistent thank yous for a job well done (movie tickets, dinner gift cards, etc.). Recognize birthdays and life events, and work to cultivate a culture of care and friendship.
There are lots of other things that could be added to this list, and you’ve likely thought of some as you’ve considered the jobs you’ve had and the culture that was present at each workplace. Striving to develop a good company culture is hard work, but it’s worth it. If you can create a place that truly exemplifies these values from the inside out, your employees are much more likely to be loyal, work hard for you, and appreciate their jobs more. If you’d like to use a Tallahassee tour bus to improve your work culture, Astro can help! Learn more here: https://astrotravel.com/destinations/business-groups/