10 May Partnering for Small Business Success
We’ve probably all known someone who started a small business, something that began as a simple side gig to pay for college (and rent and ramen!) ’til school was done, and they could start making the big bucks, but what started out as a one-man band in a small shop ended up being the eating joint where folks were always lined up down the street, no matter the time of day, and the business became part of the local buzz everyone was talking about. Many of their successes came from patterning with other successful businesses. Then, one small shop became two. The second location was bigger than the first. And then there was a third and a fourth. And, as they say, the rest became history.
It’s pretty inspiring to hear a story like that. It’s the encapsulation of the quintessential American Dream… that anyone can have an idea and make it happen and that a simple operation can turn into something big. But before you go out on a limb and start a business, you’ve got to know your niche. You don’t want to duplicate what’s already out there because you want your consumers to see your product as something that’s new, different, and fresh. Once you’ve figured that out and you’re ready to go, here are some suggestions to help you get your name out there.
Focus on having a quality product. Trying to do too much at one time can actually end up being the reason you crash and burn. Hitting the ground running is a great game plan, but trying to enthusiastically market several different products at once, especially when you aren’t well-known, is a recipe for disaster. Focus on a simple, quality product—something that will advertise itself by its versatility, timeless style, or everyday need. It needs to be made well enough that the quality will speak for itself, and then focus on marketing that one thing. Once the brand has gained traction, you can start to introduce new things to your line—but wait till you have a name out there and one that carries some clout.
Make customer service a priority. Maya Angelou said: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” It’s pretty true. You might offer a good product, but if people have a negative experience when they interact with you, they’re going to remember it and likely won’t want to rub shoulders with you again. The flip side is also true, though. If you are amazing to work with and you have a quality product, you’ll gain loyal customers, and they’ll bring you, other customers, too. And, here’s the other thing: gone are the days where it might take a while for word to get around about bad service, dishonesty, or unfriendly business dealings. Nope… the Internet and social media have changed all of that. If something goes awry, it may be on social media five minutes later.
Which brings us to the next point. You have to get on the virtual bandwagon. To neglect to have a presence on social media is missing out on an opportunity that could bring you more business. It happens all the time: someone shares something that they love or have discovered, and as a result of that, others check it out and end up loving the product, too, even when they weren’t originally searching for it. These media interfaces (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) are so easy to use. No previous experience is necessary. All you need is a passion for what you do, a phone that takes pics that you can upload, and you’re on your way. (Obviously, you can choose to hire someone to do your social media, someone who has a good camera, or a writer that can sell your product better than you can, but those things aren’t mandatory.)
Attend small business expos and events that pertain to your area of business. These events are a fantastic way to stay up to speed on what’s new in your industry, make connections with others in your field and get inspiration, all of which can be instrumental for future collaboration and contribute to getting your name and product out there. Astro loves partnering with businesses to provide transportation and shuttle services to expos like these. If you are part of planning the expo, we can help. Learn more here: https://astrotravel.com/our-services/
In the beginning, it can feel a bit overwhelming, like a tiny snowball compared to a mountain of snow, but put that little ball in motion and watch as it gains traction, speed, and size. If you have a great product and are committed to the work it takes to get out there and become known; your business may end up being the next small business that goes huge. As you work on your business venture, we wish you luck, and if we can partner together to help your small business succeed, let us know! We know many of our small business success is from partnering with companies just like yours.