16 Feb Planning An End of Year sports team Party with a charter bus.
A lot of us have participated in high school sports in one form or another. Whether we played when we were that age or have gone to the championships our children have played in, it’s an emotional thing when senior year is coming to a close, and that chapter of life will be over. As that time approaches and change is inevitable, we often try to memorialize the special experiences that were had as a team, and parents often get involved in the celebrations. If you’re on a committee planning the retrospective end-of-year party for your kid’s sports team, here are some things you might consider doing to help these kids go out with a bang, and if you are moving your kids sports team from point A to point B consider getting a Tallahassee charter bus from Astro.
There’s always the tried and true approach. Throw a fancy dinner with the team members, their parents, the coaches, and assistant coaches, and make it a big shebang. Decorations, music, a nice dress, and yummy food will contribute to making it something everyone can remember. But, you can take it a step further by putting together a “highlight reel” to be shown at that evening’s program. This could include unforgettable videotaped moments, slogans that the coaches are known for, and a slideshow of all the players (with their nicknames and footage of some of their best moments in the games, of course!). Watching this footage of important moments throughout the year is sentimental and will bring lots of special memories to mind for the players to make it something they’ll never forget. Plus, at the end of the evening, you can give each player their own copy of the presentation on DVD so they can keep it forever.
The retrospective video presentation at the dinner is a fun idea, but you might want something in book form, like a sports scrapbook. You can do the same kind of idea: collecting images, team mottos, nicknames of the players, and maybe get some feedback from each team member, too. If you can collect favorite experiences and things they’ll always remember and then combine their comments with their pictures in the book, this will be a nice gift for everyone on the team. Once you’ve presented these gifts, don’t forget to give the team members and coaches time to sign each other’s books.
Maybe your team wants to do something to give back. None of us get far on our own. Most times, we are supported and encouraged by others, and this is certainly the case here, too. Did your school have local sponsors that helped with various fundraising needs? Perhaps the team would like to do a service activity for those companies to give back and say thank you. They’ve played together an entire year, and working together will likely strengthen their bonds of friendship. Plus, it’s always good to teach our kids the importance of showing (and expressing) gratitude, as well as helping them to realize they were blessed to have these experiences, at least in part, because of help from others.
Lastly, maybe you just want to party it up and enjoy some mayhem. If this is the case, what about reserving a Tallahassee Charter Bus and taking the whole team to play together? You could go to a local amusement park or get tickets to a big sporting event. You know your team members better than we do, so you’ll know what they would love to do. And reserving a coach is great because the fun can happen on the way there and continue all the way home. Regardless of what you choose to do, you’ll want to plan something special for the kids. Working hard to make the end-of-year celebration something they’ll never forget will be something you won’t regret—especially when you see the looks on their faces as they remember all the neat things they’ve been a part of! If you’re looking for a team sports charter bus, Astro is here for you. Learn more about our services here: https://astrotravel.com